Overtake the Creases
Event Planning
The Light Reactions | The Dark Reactions
Novemberous, the body a warm sliver in frigid field, stark letter on page.
Amid the panoplied cicatrice of branches, splay of angles swim in flame, in spectrum- petalled autumn: somewhere in there, the dirt is firm as death and resurrection, shared marginalia of earth & air, & we are scenery the gorgeous forest stares.
Lean down & whisper histories in the upturned ears of flowers. Go in. Tug up the scurf. Lay theorems, accountings, poems there in the hungry nave.
Aloft, gold flecks of light revolving float down & up, alight upon pond, unlock & lock as tesserae, leaf’s toothy algorithmic edge, as form which is proportion which is always almost breaking
as the great lake: its coruscant facets etched everyhere
St. Gregory describes us rising, sleuthing remnant atoms across the universe, the pulse of self still resonant
Not atom but PERSON is the fundamental thing. Not space but RELATION.
I want to be simple as sand, as years between sands
as pattern which is ratio which is word which is wilderness which is sacrifice which is love
If the doors of perception were cleansed If the dark matter were swept away If 90% of the body’s cells are not human
then what is it that prays in us? then stars would fill the spaceless sky then we would see things as they are.
With our last polaroids we took pictures of LIGHT and DARKNESS
Wild children ranged through the breezy doors
Scenes wandered through us unfinished, smudged with cirrus moon hovered over sunred trees
Most of matter is empty space. Most of what I know is ignorance.
Dear one, you open in flickers. How can I keep you from closing up? from hardening around your guesses?
A person doesn’t change except within boundaries as crystals sharpen in the dank dark as wildflowers crowd the trails edge
A membrane is prerequisite for LIFE. There has to be an inside and an out. What ratio of fear to reckless love? Strong but not brittle, open not spilling. How do we change without unravelling?
Dear one, hold on— a little threadsong to carry you through deep woods
We are animals hunting for meanings, wearing the pelts of meanings.
Nor is there singing school but studying: tibia, fabula, nebula
All summer I have been reading you stories when I should have been teaching you silence
using words made of beach stones —the round tongues of eons
All bloom long I should have been learning subtraction.
It is natural to lie down. To pack my mouth full.
O coax fruit from my lips, O blank O harbinger O time O darling girl I’m gonna hold you in my arms til your feet grow down